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Mweb Powerful Markdown App 3 3 7

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By ou lvhai May 7, 2020 Download Now MWeb is Pro Markdown writing, note taking and static blog generator App for Mac, iPad and iPhone.Feature in MWeb for iOS. Full support for Github Flavored Markdown syntax and commonly used extended syntax, such as TOC, Table, Fenced code block, LaTeX, Task lists, Footnote and so on.

  • Sharing markdown file with images shouldn't be painful. Images can be uploaded to cloud server on macOS with integration of iPic Service.
    Hard to display retina image with correct size? Typora support tag with customized size or zoom factor.
    When handling relative path of a local image file, you could set its base path towards the root folder of your static blog.
    Insert images will be quite easy via drag & drop.
    /* Display images, rather than text for images when writing */
  • Use your own css code to change font size, alignement, or even make some magics possible, such as Auto Numbering Headers.
    Type `[TOC]` to insert table of contents, all headings will be listed here.
    Set the href to headers, which will create a bookmark that allow you to jump to that section after clicking.
  • Arrange nested lists like a rich editor, by tab and shift+tab key.
    GFM task list supported. Able to manage simple todos in a markdown file.
    Use shortcut keys, context menu or touch bar to change list type from one to another.
  • Quickest steps to resize tables in Markdown file: just mouse dragging.
    Use shortcut keys to generate tables with given layouts. Type markdown directly is also supported.
  • Display line numbers can be turned on in preferences panel.
    Typora supports around 100 languages for syntax highlighting, covers all common programming languages.
  • Most MathJax extensions built-in, including mhchem, AMSmath, BBox, etc.
    Auto numbering math equations (enable in preference panel).
  • Draws simple SVG flow chart diagrams powered by flowchart.js.
    Generation of flowchart, sequence, gantt and more by mermaid engine.
    /* Draw diagrams from textual representation */
  • Set your the link targets towards a header, a markdown file, or an URL.
    All styles include Strong and emphasis can be correctly rendered in CJK charsets.
  • /* And other block styles */

GitHub support 4. FTP support (No SFTP yet, plans to add it later) 5. Supports syntax highlighting for 100+ programming languages 6. Dozens of themes 7. User friendly 8. In-app HTML/Mark Down preview 9. Interactive JavaScript console 10. In app file browser 11. Supports 50,000+ lines 13. Fast work flow 14. Open more than one. MWeb is a professional Markdown writing, note taking, and static blog generator app for Mac, iPad, and iPhone. MWeb – Powerful Markdown App 3.4.1.

The first thing you should know

What every Markdwon user should know is the official version. How was it created? What is its design philosophy and grammar? If you haven't seen it, it is recommended to check out this: Markdown syntax guide full version.

The syntax used by MWeb is Github Flavored Markdown (GFM) syntax. GFM is an extended version of the official version. In addition to supporting the official syntax, it also supports tables, TOC, LaTeX, code blocks, task lists, footnotes, and more.

In addition, MWeb also supports two more useful grammars based on GFM grammar compatibility: drawing support (mermaid, viz, echarts, plantuml, sequence, flow) and setting the image width, which will be explained in detail below.


Markdown is intended to be as easy-to-read and easy-to-write as is feasible.
Readability, however, is emphasized above all else. A Markdown-formatted document should be publishable as-is, as plain text, without looking like it's been marked up with tags or formatting instructions.
Markdown's syntax is intended for one purpose: to be used as a format for writing for the web.


If you see writing Result:, you can see the result only by using CMD + 4 or CMD + R preview in MWeb. You can download this post and open it in MWeb to see the result. The download URL is: Download this post Markdown text


Example: Result:

This is an


This is an tag



Shortcuts:CMD + UCMD + ICMD + B
Result: What is flash drive in macbook air.

This text will be italic
This will also be italic

This text will be bold
This will also be bold


End a line with two or more spaces + enter.
Just typing enter to newline,please set:Preferences - Themes - Translate newlines to
enable ( default is enable )




Shortcuts:Option + U

  • Item 1 unordered list * + SPACE
  • Item 2
    • Item 2a unordered list TAB + * + SPACE
    • Item 2b




  1. Item 1 ordered list Number + . + SPACE
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3
    1. Item 3a ordered list TAB + Number + . + SPACE
    2. Item 3b

Task lists



  • task one not finish - + SPACE + [ ]
  • task two finished - + SPACE + [x]


Ignite keygen music. Example:

Shortcuts:Control + Shift + I
The Library's document support drag & drop or CMD + V paste or CMD + Option + I to insert the pictrue.

In MWeb, you can use -w + Number to control image width, for example, set the image width 140px:

In MWeb, you can also set the alignment of the image. Take the above image as an example. The left alignment is -l140, the center is -c140, and the right is -r140.



Aurora hdr 2018 full cracked {mac os x}. Shortcuts:Control + Shift + L
The Library's document support drag & drop or CMD + Option + I to insert attachment.

An email link.
Automatic linking for URLs
Any URL (like will be automatically converted into a clickable link.




Shortcuts:CMD + Shift + B

As Kanye West said:

We're living the future so
the present is our past.

Inline code


Shortcuts:CMD + K

I think you should use an
code element here instead.

Multi-line code


Mweb Powerful Markdown App 3 3 7 0

Shortcuts:CMD + Shift + K

MWeb Drawing


Mermaid is a popular js graphics library. It supports flowcharts, sequence diagrams and Gantt charts. Its official website is: The syntax for using mermaid in MWeb is to declare code blocks. The language is mermaid, and the mermaid drawing syntax can be written in the code block. You can copy the following syntax into MWeb to view the result.



Graphviz is an open source graph visualization software and its official website is MWeb uses the implementation of Graphviz's js version, which can parse the Graphviz syntax to generate images. You can try the following syntax to copy it into MWeb. When you try, you can change the dot to circo, fdp, neato, osage, twopi to try the result.



Echarts is a js graph library of Baidu. Its website is It is very powerful. MWeb supports some basic usages of echarts. You can try the following syntax to copy it into MWeb. You can also go to the URL to see some examples. Note that MWeb can only parse option = {} which is simple but should be enough used.



The website of plantuml is:, you can learn more directly. The way MWeb supports plantuml is to reference the images generated by the plantuml server. You can copy the following syntax into MWeb to try.


Sequence diagram and flow chart

The sequence diagram and flow chart are using, It's Markdown syntax in MWeb.



Example: Dropshare 4 8 – secure file sharing tool.

You can create tables by assembling a list of words and dividing them with hyphens - (for the first row), and then separating each column with a pipe |:


First HeaderSecond Header
Content from cell 1Content from cell 2
Content in the first columnContent in the second column




Any word wrapped with two tildes (like this Focus 1 9 9 – block distracting websites and apps. ) will appear crossed out.

Horizontal Rules

Following lines will produce a horizontal rule:

Mweb Powerful Markdown App 3 3 77



Use double US dollors sign pair for Block level Math formula, and one US dollor sign pair for Inline Level.


For example this is a Block level [x = {-b pm sqrt{b^2-4ac} over 2a}] formula, and this is an inline Level (x = {-b pm sqrt{b^2-4ac} over 2a}) formula.

Mweb Powerful Markdown App 3 3 7 Download

[ frac{1}{Bigl(sqrt{phi sqrt{5}}-phiBigr) e^{frac25 pi}} =
1+frac{e^{-2pi}} {1+frac{e^{-4pi}} {1+frac{e^{-6pi}}
{1+frac{e^{-8pi}} {1+ldots} } } } ]

Mweb Powerful Markdown App 3 3 7 Free




This is a footnote:1

Comment And Read More.

Actions->Insert Read More Comment ORCMD + .





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